Proper Drilling to Rolling Ratio

This is a very difficult subject to cover given that many people learn better in different ways. Some people learn more and retain more information trying to get moves to work while grappling rather than going through the motion of the technique repeatedly. If you are having a hard time finding a good ratio between drilling the technique and live rolling be sure too experiment. If you feel like you learn more and perform better drilling more than you roll then switching up your ratio would be ill advised. There is something also to be said about specific training,(grappling from a specific position) some people prefer this method of practice instead of drilling with no resistance because it produces genuine reactions from your partner and you can learn how to adapt and overcome these reactions. At the white belt level drilling more than you grapple would commonly be encouraged because you don’t know a lot about Jiu Jitsu and how it works and it’s positions, drilling would help you with this understanding immensely. Once you get to blue belt usually this is when we start to grapple more to practice against resistance. Purple belt is when we typically focus on refining our techniques to be more effective against higher level opponents forcing us to drill or specific train more. Brown belt is usually when we grapple more than drill because we are focusing on performing against higher level people but this can also change depending on whether you are aspiring to be a competitor or teacher. This subject is a difficult one to fully cover because a person can have different goals or learn in different ways that would change the more effective way to practice. We hope this was informative!


How to train with an older partner


How to properly roll with a partner that is smaller than you