How to properly roll with a partner that is smaller than you

There are many different philosophies on this subject some people say unless the size difference is overwhelming go hard and then some people say to focus on technique when rolling with someone smaller. There are many different ways to approach this situation and many different factors that can alter this situation. Sometimes the person that is smaller than you is also a higher belt or much more skilled and knowledgeable than you so you have a very valid reason to go hard on them. But if they are the same belt or lower than you, there is no harm in holding back in the strength or weight aspect slightly to try to Increase technicality in the grappling match. There is also the opinion of your partner that you must take into account as well. Some smaller people tend to be wary of injury and then some smaller people don’t care at all and enjoy the struggle and intensity. As a result it never hurts to ask the person if they are ok with you rolling hard with them. Just try to be understanding and thoughtful of your training partners when there is a considerable size difference between you.


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