What to do when you are frustrated

We all know that Jiu Jitsu can be one of the most frustrating things on the planet but we also know that adversity makes you stronger and can push you to work harder. We all hit peaks and valleys in our Jiu Jitsu journey but it is the valleys that can make us or break us. When you hit a frustrating period where nothing seems to be working or it feels like you are stuck and everyone around you is getting better a lot of people just keep their head down and keep training and work through it which is a valid approach. But sometimes you are discouraged from training or you are busy with other aspects of your life and you don’t have enough time to train more so what do you do?

Take a step pack and analyze, what are these people doing different than me? Why aren’t my techniques working like they used too? Why do I feel slow/sluggish? Am I eating enough? Is what I’m eating good for me? The answers to these questions can be detrimental in how you feel when training. After you find out what is wrong, form a plan. Figure out how you are going to get more sleep or how you are going to fix your diet or how you are going to find more time to train.
Then execute, sometimes executing the plan is the toughest part. You can’t follow your plan for a day or a week and expect everything to be fixed, you have to be dedicated and execute your plan consistently to alter and improve your lifestyle. #solveandevolve

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Keep the match moving or stay on top until you get the finish?


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