How to Roll With the New Person

There are a lot of different strategies/methods when it comes to the new guys first night of rolling. Some people prefer to roll with the new guy and tap him out a bunch of times to prove that Jiu Jitsu works. Some people like to teach the person for the entire round or let the new student beat them up for the entire round. Each of these methods has their issues, but there is a way to walk the line between them. When the new person comes in for the first time they want to feel comfortable and invited. If you get to roll with the new person on their first day and you try to tap them out as many times as possible in the 5 minute round don’t expect them to come back tomorrow. Very few peoples ego can handle that kind of beating. Instead roll with the person and ease the person into moving and attacking and being a little aggressive, make them feel like it’s ok to get after it a little bit. Now it’s not a good idea to just shut down everything the person tries, You want to make the person feel like they have a fighting chance but you also shouldn’t lay down and let the person beat you up for the entire round make sure your getting the person to move. And your also actively defending and attacking. And taking small pauses to explain to the person what they should do in the current position. The goal is to mix teaching, encouragement, and movement/activity; get the person sweaty but at the same time helping them learn something and understand that Jiu Jitsu is effective.
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