How to work on your Jiu Jitsu while being injured

Plain and simple, you must keep your mind on Jiu Jitsu. Just because you are injured doesn’t mean you have to stay home and sit on the couch all day and watch tv. You can most Definitely go to class and watch and cheer on your training partners. As well as try to grow your knowledge of Jiu Jitsu by watching your instructor grapple or just by watching the technique he is showing. Trust me you don’t want to get injured and stay home, gain 20 lbs and forget some of the Jiu Jitsu you’ve learned. Even something as simple as closing your eyes and thinking through sequences of moves and running through the steps of a technique will help you keep your mind sharp for when you get back to training. Try to get out of the house, go watch class, cheer on your teammates and keep your mind fresh for when you can get back to training. OSS!


Preventing Injuries In Jiu Jitsu


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