Catch and release method

What is the catch and release method? It is that moment in time you know you can finish someone but you choose to let them go to keep the match moving or too avoid injury. This method is commonly looked at as a passive and anti confrontational approach to training. But it is often necessary to practice this approach with a particularly emotional/stubborn training partner. This is a very valuable method if you are a gym owner and you are training with your students and one or two are particularly stubborn and don’t like too tap until the very last second, it helps you too avoid injury and potentially losing a couple of your students. Although students that are more emotional or stubborn often times only respond to learning the (hard way) which often times involves sustaining a partial injury Due too there lack of humility and or stubbornness. That is why many people don’t believe in the catch and release method because of the lack of lessons learned by it. What do you think about the catch and release method? Let us know on Instagram @onerollclothing


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Keep the match moving or stay on top until you get the finish?