Being Respectful at Other Gyms

When going to other Jiu Jitsu gyms there is certain etiquette to be withheld. With that being said there are a lot gyms that have different or sometimes very extreme rules that that you aren’t used too or just flat out aren’t aware of. But here are some basic rules to follow when visiting another gym.
1. Do not go off the mat barefoot, whenever you leave the mat put shoes or sandals on too be sure not to carry any filth back onto the mat.

2. Let the instructor come ask you too roll especially if they are a higher rank than you, sometimes the instructor doesn’t want to roll or is injured, or has already trained earlier that day. But many instructors are different some love it when students/visitors ask them to roll, and some take it as a challenge or a sign of disrespect but it is always a safe bet to let the instructor ask you too roll.
3. Do not try to help someone with the technique, obviously if you are a higher belt like a brown or black belt then I’m sure the instructor wouldn’t take offense to you helping your partner with the technique. But if you are a blue belt helping another blue belt with the technique just leave it up to the instructor to come by and give your partner a hand.
4. Probably the most important rule is to be quiet when the instructor is teaching. Do not talk or whisper with your partner or anyone else, give the instructor your undivided attention and respect.

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