How to train with your instructor

First of all, if you are at a Jiujitsu school where your Instructor/Professor doesn’t train with students, I strongly suggest looking for a new School. I’m not saying instructors need to set up a gauntlet and train with every student every day and every class but getting a few rounds in daily with the students should be the norm. Now that we addressed the Instructor/ Professor involvement lets change focus towards the students. There are a few instances that can really turn this experience sour.

1)     The Surprise Attack Roll- Don’t be this student. The one that feels this is their moment to outwit their professor with some secret flying technique. This student could cause serious harm to himself and others attempting a once in a lifetime flying squirrel attack

2)     The Promotional Roll- This student believes this is his/her chance to get promoted. They are coming with their A game and coming hard. They imagine by the end of the round they will have leveled up to the next belt, who knows maybe 2. This student will never tap and will ways run off the mat to evade a sweep or takedown

3)     The Analyzer Roll- This student will stop and want to discuss every movement during the roll. The Professor has no idea they have basically agreed to a give the student a free private. This student usually waits to the end to hit the professor with the “Anything I need to work on” line.

Listen your Instructor/Professor shares that same enjoyment as you  when it comes to spending time on the mats. So, when you do train with your Instructor/Professor Relax, Relax, Relax you’re not getting graded. Be competitive with control. Most Instructors/Professors will train to your level and allow you to work through situations and positions. Train with confidence, have fun and respect your training partners. Always remember if you get wrist locked or tap from knee on belly by your Professor during your roll you probably deserved it!!!!

Loronz Marion

Loronz Marion is a black belt out of Dallas Texas sponsored by one roll clothing recently obtaining a silver medal at the 2022 masters world championships.


How to warm up for competition